Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Meditate... just do it

With so many people talking about or living by meditation, it must really be some powerful force.  I occasionally have attempted a meditation session where my boredom gets the best of me.  I think my longest attempt was 5 minutes.

Scott McDowell talks about the importance of meditating in his post on the99percent.  He, like me has attempted meditation and at first found no effects.  I feel the majority of people who dable in it, don't continue due to the lack of feedback that is given.

The more I think about it though, the more I realize that's kind of the whole point.  Meditation is supposed to be a release from all the feedback that we receive on a day-to-day basis.   Without even achieving the "bliss" as McDowell calls it, I can see what a strong impact meditation could have on the body if one sticks with it long enough.

After reading his article, I am determined to start a CONSISTENT meditation routine, regardless of any feedback I do or don't receive from it.

.... now if only I could get my feet to sit on top of my legs like that.

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