Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The next step to life

Everybody goes through an interview or two at some point in their life.  But why does an interview still seem impossible to walk away from successfully?  It seems that every interviewer expects something different, and there is no way of knowing who will want what.

Scott McDowell talks about a way that will impress an interviewer every time in his article The Interview Prep Cheat Sheet. In his article, he describes that although a list of skills is great, it does not prove to a future employer that you can handle the job at hand.

McDowell describes that what an employer wants is CONFIDENCE IN YOU.  They want to know that you have previous experience that will make fully prepared for what you will need to do working for them.  The best way to do this is not to describe what you "would do" at the job, but what you have "already done" at previous jobs.

Describe to the interviewer experiences you have had in your life where you have overcome a problem that in at least some way relates to the type of problems you will face working for them.  Express to them your initiative and be confident in yourself.  If they see you have already done work that would help solve problems in their own company, then the employer will develop CONFIDENCE IN YOU.

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